Our Commitments
We long to see a day when every man, woman and child in the inner west of Melbourne has a real opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ through the lives of local Christians and churches.
There's a long way to go to see that vision become reality, but we have set our course towards it with these eight commitments.

The Bible
The Bible is our true north, our guiding light. At Inner West you’ll meet people who not only know and love the Bible, but find themselves in its story of redemption.
The Gospel
Everyone wants to change for the better. At Inner West Church we experience how the good news (the gospel) of Jesus transforms our lives from the inside out, and we’d love you to experience it too.
Following Jesus
The gospel changes us and it changes how we approach every area of life. We have an all-encompassing vision of how Jesus empowers us for a life of witness, love, justice and service.
Spiritual Family
We’re designed for great relationships, and God’s desire is that we experience nothing less. At Inner West you’ll make great friends and find a rich community.
People of Prayer
It's amazing that the God of the universe wants us to come close and talk to him directly through prayer. Come and learn how prayer is the engine of a flourishing spiritual life.
God is the most generous being in the universe. He created the cosmos, gave us life, sustains the world, and, most wonderfully, gave us Jesus. His generosity compels us to be generous ourselves out of love for him and others. At Inner West we love to graciously give and humbly receive.
God has given all Christians a wonderful purpose: to share the good news about Jesus! We are committed to doing just that, not just in what we say, but also in how we live. Come join us on the greatest mission in history.
Church Planting
We long to see a time when every man, woman and child in the western suburbs of Melbourne has a real opportunity to encounter Jesus through the lives of some local Christians. The best way to see that happen is to plant (start) new churches. Our first one is already off and running... maybe you could be part of the next?